The Top 10 Poker Movies

Movies featuring poker captivate even non-players and amateurs. Hollywood loves to portray the card game to create thrilling moments on screen. When a poker film reaches its climax and tension runs high at the poker table, every viewer becomes engrossed. Which film pays tribute to Las Vegas and the poker scene in the most impressive way? We have compiled a top 10 list of the finest feature films and documentaries that revolve around the game of cards. Get ready for an extraordinary cinematic experience with the ten best poker movies!

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Top 10 Poker Movies: The Finest Poker Films in Cinema

Our compilation of the best 10 poker movies embodies everything that makes poker captivating: triumph, defeat, comedy, intense drama, poker prodigies, fearless gamblers, unlucky streaks, and incredible luck. While the blockbusters impress with their well-crafted scripts and stellar performances, the documentaries feature real players and capture the atmosphere of tournaments. Whether fictional or authentic, let yourself get swept away by the emotions or practice your poker face while watching these thrilling films.

1. Rounders

• Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
• Regie: John Dahl
• Stars: Matt Damon, Edward Norton, Gretchen Mol, John Turturro
• Zusammenfassung: Ein Jura-Student kehrt zum Zocken zurück, um mit High Stakes Poker Gewinnen die Schulden eines Freundes zu begleichen.

Rounders delivers tremendous entertainment with its dazzling atmosphere and outstanding performances by Matt Damon and Edward Norton. Director John Dahl has crafted a cunning crime drama that thrives on its characters and authentically portrays the rituals and banter of high-stakes gamblers. Immerse yourself in the underground world of poker in New York City! Step into a realm where risks are high and fortunes are won or lost with every turn of the cards. Let the glitz and glamour of the poker scene captivate you as you witness the intricate strategies and psychological battles that unfold at the green felt tables. Experience the adrenaline rush and the thrill of the gamble as the tension mounts with each high-stakes showdown. Don't miss the opportunity to delve into this gripping tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption set against the backdrop of the gritty underworld of underground poker. Rounders is a cinematic gem that will leave you on the edge of your seat, craving more. Get ready to play for keeps!

2. Casino Royale

Casino Royale
• Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
• Regie: Martin Campbell
• Stars: Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Judi Dench
• Zusammenfassung: James Bond rettet die Welt vor Terroristen am Pokertisch im Casino in Montenegro.

When terrorists fund their nefarious activities through poker and the big blinds rise to a million at the Casino Royale in Montenegro, there is only one man who can keep a cool head and maintain a poker face during the true poker marathon at the table: Daniel Craig, also known as Bond, James Bond. For 007, it's quickly about much more than just money.

3. Cincinnati Kid

Cincinnati Kid
• Erscheinungsjahr: 1965
• Regie: Norman Jewison
• Stars: Steve McQueen, Ann-Margret, Edward G. Robinson
• Zusammenfassung: Im New Orleans der 1930er Jahre will sich ein Emporkömmling gegen den Profispieler und Champion Lancey Howard beweisen.

If you enjoyed Paul Newman's portrayal as a pool player in "The Hustler," you'll adore Steve McQueen as the Cincinnati Kid. In New Orleans, he takes on poker champion "The Man" in a high-stakes game of stud poker. McQueen's performance during the intense scenes at the gambling table elevates the film and contributed significantly to its triumph.

4. Players without scruples

Spieler ohne Skrupel
• Erscheinungsjahr: 1974
• Regie: Karel Reisz
• Stars: James Caan, Paul Sorvino, Lauren Hutton
• Zusammenfassung: Der Literaturprofessor Axel Freed ist spielsüchtig und gewinnt haushoch, nur um alles wieder zu verlieren. Mit einem Riesengewinn will er auf einen Schlag alle Schulden begleichen und sein Leben retten.

Axel Freed, the perpetually unlucky individual, is addicted to gambling and finds himself in constant danger from loan sharks. This gripping thriller showcases the remarkable performance of James Toback, captivating the audience with an authentic character study of a gambler, leading to an inevitable conclusion. Titled "The Gambler" in its original form, this poker movie was remade in 2014 with Mark Wahlberg, but the earlier version holds even more intensity!

5. Molly's Game: Betting It All on One Card

Molly's Game: Alles auf eine Karte
• Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
• Regie: Aaron Sorkin
• Stars: Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba, Kevin Costner
• Zusammenfassung: Die wahre Geschichte von Molly Bloom, die exklusive High-Stakes Pokerrunden organisierte und ins Visier des FBI geriet.

Stories that life writes: This poker film is based on the true story of Molly Bloom. Jessica Chastain gives an impressive portrayal of Molly Bloom, who went from being an Olympic ski athlete to becoming the organizer of the world's most exclusive high stakes poker games, making the best out of her hand of destiny. Her poker circle was frequented by Hollywood actors, top athletes, prominent businessmen, and even the Russian mafia.

6. California Split

California Split
• Erscheinungsjahr: 1974
• Regie: Robert Altman
• Stars: George Segal, Elliott Gould, Ann Prentiss
• Zusammenfassung: Die Draufgänger Bill und Charlie haben nach lauter Pleiten, Pech und Pannen in Reno eine Glückssträhne.

"Known as 'Jackpot,' California Split is a thrilling poker movie that explores friendship and the relentless pursuit of the game's adrenaline rush. Director Robert Altman skillfully introduces two contrasting characters who navigate the unpredictable world of poker, weaving together a series of witty episodes that showcase their struggles to ride the waves of luck or sabotage each other's winning streaks."

7. The Big Blind

The Big Blind
• Erscheinungsjahr: 1999
• Regie: David James
• Stars: Larry Weissman, Sylvain Cecile, Michael Christian
• Zusammenfassung: Ein Dokumentarfilm von einem Poker-Profi, der Kritikern nicht gefiel und dafür von der Poker-Gemeinde umso mehr gefeiert wurde. Hier kommen echte Spieler zu Wort.

Do not be swayed by the ratings; this independent, low-budget production is designed for true gamblers and has received mixed reviews from both critics and the general public. "The Big Blind" captivates audiences with its authentic characters and their compelling stories. Created by a poker player for poker players, this ultra-realistic portrait appeals to those who appreciate the gritty world of gambling.

8. The Grand

The Grand
• Erscheinungsjahr: 2007
• Regie: Zak Penn
• Stars: Woody Harrelson, David Cross, Dennis Farina
• Zusammenfassung: Komödie über die verschiedenen Teilnehmer an einem Pokerturnier. Die allermeisten Szenen sind improvisiert, einschließlich des Showdowns am Finaltisch.

If you enjoy poker and have a penchant for laughter, then "The Grand" is the perfect poker film for you. In German, it is also known as "Loooser - How to win and lose a Casino" or "Royal Bluff - Die hohe Kunst des Verlierens." Director Zak Penn enforced improvisation among the cast, with the screenplay spanning a mere 29 pages. The conclusion of the tournament and thus the film was not premeditated; real poker was played.

9. Freeze Out

Freeze Out
• Erscheinungsjahr: 2005
• Regie: M.J. Loheed
• Stars: Tom Sharpe, Laura Silverman, Greg Behrendt
• Zusammenfassung: Eine Mischung aus Rounders und Swingers: Beim Poker unter Freunden kommen schmutzige Geheimnisse ans Licht.

Another poker movie for laughs: "Freeze Out" showcases the card game played among buddies at micro-stakes. John dares his friends and aims to earn their respect through his gameplay. The film is laced with hilarious wit and relatable characters, allowing some hobby players to see themselves mirrored. The key takeaway: successful players bluff their friends, but never themselves.

10. The Poker Movie: Going All In

All In: The Poker Movie
• Erscheinungsjahr: 2009
• Regie: Douglas Tirola
• Stars: Matt Damon, Karen Abbott, Peter Alson, Nick Brancato
• Zusammenfassung: Poker Dokumentarfilm über die Renaissance des Kartenspiels in den USA und warum für viele Spieler Poker den Amerikanischen Traum verkörpert.

The documentary film endeavors to immortalize the card game Poker, celebrating its virtues and merits. It successfully captures the essence of this subculture, presenting a plethora of interviews with actors and gamblers, along with intriguing tidbits of information. While the film subtly suggests that Poker serves as a metaphor for life, it thankfully refrains from imposing any particular viewpoint upon the viewer.

Notable poker films

Of course, there are many more exciting movies that feature poker. For our selection, we have focused on films where the card game plays a pivotal role. However, there are also noteworthy titles that we would like to mention: "Big Deal at Dodge City" (original title: "Höchster Einsatz in Laredo"), "Maverick," "The Sting" (original title: "Der Clou"), "Croupier" (original title: "Casino - Nichts geht mehr"), "Cool Hand Luke" (original title: "Der Unbeugsame"), "Murder on a Chinese Bookie," "House of Games," "Honeymoon in Vegas," or "Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels" (original title: "Bube Dame König grAS"). These titles also offer great cinematic experiences with mesmerizing poker scenes.

What you can learn from poker movies - and what you can't

Movies featuring poker undoubtedly provide excitement and entertainment. However, compared to poker coaching videos, live streams on Twitch, or reading strategy books and articles, the amount of learning you can expect from them is limited. On the big screen, poker scenes predominantly showcase live poker, while online poker movies are few and far between, apart from "Runner Runner" released in 2013 starring Justin Timberlake. It's essential to remember that the grand showdowns in films are often exaggerated. At the poker table, executing a slowroll, as demonstrated by Mel Gibson in "Maverick," where one excessively delays revealing their hand, is considered bad form. Exceptional wardrobes like the one in "Casino Royale" are rare; most players prefer comfortable attire when participating in tournaments. Hollywood also exaggerates tells, the revealing gestures of players. The cookie trick seen in "Rounders" is highly improbable. Pay attention to the dramatic "call and raise" showcased in "Cincinnati Kid." The statement "I'm going with and raising" is incorrect; it's either going with or raising.

Despite all improbability and fantasy, there is still a lesson to be learned from poker films. Whether it's a documentary or a feature film, the characters are often character studies with real strengths and weaknesses. Instead of dreaming of a big win, compare your own game and behavior to that of the film heroes and their opponents. Do you have quirks that need ironing out? Where are your weaknesses, and how can you better leverage your strengths?

Further information

Do the poker movies we've shared pique your interest and make you want to learn more about the thrilling card game of poker? Our team of editors has got you covered with in-depth guides that will help you deepen your knowledge. Enhance your skills and broaden your gameplay with our expert tips and tricks.

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