Begin playing the game in just 5 minutes with these poker rules for beginners!

Poker is widely regarded as one of the most popular card games in the world, with rules that are generally straightforward to learn. However, numerous websites and poker guides fail to explain the rules in a beginner-friendly manner for players who are unfamiliar with the game's jargon and have yet to gain any experience in poker.

In this beginner-friendly and concise guide, we will swiftly explain the rules of Texas Hold'em Poker without unnecessary detours or technical jargon. By reading this comprehensive guide, you will be able to start playing the game within a matter of minutes.

Preparations - Everything you need and should know before starting the game.

Before starting the game at home, it is necessary for you to make some preparations. This step can be skipped if you are playing online poker.

  • Spielvariante: Texas Hold'em
    Spielvariante: Texas Hold'em

    Texas Hold'em Poker is the most popular variation of the game, which is why online poker sites and Irish casinos primarily offer tables and tournaments in this variant. It is highly sought after by enthusiasts and professionals alike, owing to its strategic depth and exciting gameplay. With its blend of skill, luck, and psychological warfare, Texas Hold'em Poker has captivated players worldwide, making it a staple in the gambling industry. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the ropes or a seasoned player seeking high-stakes action, Texas Hold'em Poker offers an immersive and thrilling experience for all. Join the excitement today and test your mettle against opponents from around the globe in this gripping card game.

  • Mitspieler: 2-10 Spieler pro Tisch
    Mitspieler: 2-10 Spieler pro Tisch

    A minimum of two players are required for this game. Typically, a maximum of 10 players participate in one round or at one table.

  • Karten: Ein Kartendeck mit 52 Spielkarten
    Karten: Ein Kartendeck mit 52 Spielkarten

    You will require a complete deck of 52 playing cards for a game of poker. Remove the jokers, leaving only the cards from 2 to Ace in all four suits.

  • Chips: Einsätze mit Poker Chips
    Chips: Einsätze mit Poker Chips

    Chips are tokens with varying values that are used to place bets at the table. When playing with real money, the chips need to be converted into a specific value. In tournaments and when gambling with play money, each player receives an equal number of chips at the start.

  • Einsatz: Der Grundeinsatz muss vor Spielstart festgelegt werden
    Einsatz: Der Grundeinsatz muss vor Spielstart festgelegt werden

    The Blinds dictate the stakes according to the Texas Hold'em rules. These mandatory bets must be made by the two players positioned after the dealer at the table. By considering the size of the Blinds, one can roughly estimate the average bet size per round, even though in Texas Hold'em, they typically have no limit (unless playing special variations like Pot Limit Hold'em). You can gauge the approximate wager amounts that will be at play in each round based on the Blinds.

  • Dealer: Ein Kartengeber muss bestimmt werden
    Dealer: Ein Kartengeber muss bestimmt werden

    The card distributor is the individual responsible for dealing the cards on the table. They always take their turn last. For each new round of play, the person to the left of the card distributor from the previous round becomes the new dealer.

Basic rules and the objective of the game

According to the rules of Texas Hold'em poker, a game round is divided into four sections, during which cards are dealt and bets are made. Players receive their first two cards in the initial phase, followed by the flop where three community cards are placed on the table. The turn comes next, where an additional community card is revealed, and finally, the river, where the last community card is shown. Throughout these rounds, players have the opportunity to place bets and make strategic decisions based on the strength of their hand.

Each player is dealt two concealed cards that are only valid for them (hole cards), and five community cards are placed in the center of the table that are valid for all players. From these seven cards now available to the player, they must form the strongest possible hand using the five best cards among the seven. In total, there are two hidden cards for every player (hole cards), and five community cards placed on the table that apply to all players. Now, each player has a selection of seven cards and must create the most powerful hand by choosing the five best cards among them.

First, cards are always dealt before bets are placed in turn.

In each round of the game, you have a variety of actions to choose from.


If no bets have been placed in the current round, you have the option to check. By doing so, you pass on to the next player in the sequence, which is your left neighbor, without placing any bets.


If no other player has placed a bet in the round before you, when it's your turn, you can place a bet. The bet must be at least as high as the big blind, but we will explain more about this later.


If another player has already placed a bet, you have the option to call. This implies that you match the opponent's wager in order to stay in the game.


If your opponent has already placed a bet and you want to surpass it, you make a raise. This raise must be at least twice the amount of the original bet.


You always have the option to fold, which means that you do not want to call or raise an opponent's bet. By folding, you withdraw from the current round and must discard your cards face down.

Gameplay - An overview of the individual game rounds.

Before the flop: Blinds and Hole Cards

To begin, the blinds need to be set before dealing the cards. The player seated to the left of the dealer must pay the small blind, and the player to the left of them must pay the big blind, placing it towards the center of the table. The blinds' amount was determined before the game. Typically, the big blind is twice the small blind, but both blinds can be of equal value. In online poker, table designations such as "Texas Hold'em No Limit 0.10/0.20" are common. This means that the small blind (abbreviated as SB) is 10 cents and the big blind (abbreviated as BB) is 20 cents. Once the two players have placed their blinds, the dealer begins by dealing two hidden cards, known as hole cards, to each player.

  1. Runde: Flop

    Now it's time for the player sitting after the blinds, which is the left neighbor of the big blinds. This player has the option to match the big blind (call), place at least twice the amount of the big blind (raise), or fold. Carefully consider whether your cards are worth playing with or if you'd rather save your bet and play in a subsequent round. For more information on which hands to play and which ones to avoid, check out our guide on the best starting hands in Texas Hold'em.

    All players now take turns making their bets until they are completely balanced, meaning all players who want to remain in the game have made the same bet. It is also possible that after a raise, there may be a re-raise, where a player who has already raised is outbid by a subsequent player and must match that bet to continue in the game. Once all players have made their bets and matched the highest raise, three open cards are placed in the middle of the table. These are known as the flop.

  2. Round: Turn

    The bets previously made by the players at the table are pushed into the center of the table, forming the so-called pot, which is what needs to be won in the round. After the flop has been revealed, another betting round takes place, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Any players who have previously folded are no longer taken into account.

    In the second round, you now have the opportunity to check, place a bet, call the bet of another player before you, raise the bet further, or fold. Once the players have either matched the highest bet or folded, the fourth open community card, known as the turn, is placed in the middle.

  3. Round: River

    Now the game proceeds as before. The player sitting closest to the left of the dealer, among the remaining opponents, takes the first turn and has the choices of either checking or betting. Depending on his decision, all subsequent players have the options to check, bet, raise, or fold. If the bets are all equalized and there are still two or more players in the game, the fifth card, known as the river, is placed in the middle.

    Playing in the river round against one or multiple opponents is considered the most challenging part of a poker game. This is where you have to estimate or calculate whether investing more chips is worthwhile and read your opponents carefully to determine if their hand beats yours or if you have the advantage. For more fascinating information, tips, and tricks, check out our comprehensive guide on river play.

  4. Round: Showdown

    Once the river card is revealed, another round of betting ensues, mirroring the previous steps outlined. If multiple players are still in the game at this point, a showdown occurs. Each remaining player must sequentially reveal their hand, consisting of their two concealed cards, and the poker hand with the highest value emerges victorious.

    The victorious participant is awarded the entire jackpot, encompassing all the bets accumulated in the middle of the round. In the event of a tie, the pot is evenly distributed among all players holding the strongest hand.

the end of the game

The value of a poker hand is precisely defined in the poker rules of various game variants, making it easy to determine who has won the game. However, having the best hand is not always necessary to win a round of play. In fact, a Texas Hold'em poker round can end in three different ways.

All opponents drop out:

In a game round, if you place a bet or a raise and none of your opponents want to call it, you will automatically win the pot. This outcome occurs more frequently in Texas Hold'em than the actual showdown. It is a common occurrence in the game, where the power of a well-placed bet can swiftly secure you the victory, without even having to reveal your hand to the opponents.


When a player decides to go All-In, they push all of their remaining chips towards the center of the table. If an opponent chooses to call and there are no further opportunities for bets, calls, or raises, the two hole cards of the participating players are immediately revealed, followed by placing the remaining community cards in the center.

But be careful: if there are still three or more players in the game and only one goes all-in, a side pot is formed. The player who went all-in can only win that pot and keeps his cards hidden in front of him, even if he can no longer influence the course of the game. The remaining players continue to play normally until all but one fold or until a showdown occurs. These players can win both side pots, while the player who went all-in can only win the pot he contributed to.


If, by the final round of play, there are at least two players remaining in the game and all bets have been matched, the players' hands will be revealed face up on the table and the strongest hand will emerge victorious.

The ranking of poker hands

Once you have familiarized yourself with the Texas Hold'em Poker rules as a beginner, it becomes crucial to acquaint yourself with the value of a poker hand. It is essential to always be able to recognize whether you have a strong and promising hand, so that you can determine whether it's worth placing a bet or following an opponent's bet. Simultaneously, you should be able to estimate the range of hands that the community cards in the middle allow, so that you have an idea of what kind of hand your opponent might have and whether it is capable of beating your hand. Below you will find the poker ranking according to the Texas Hold'em rules.

High Card

If no other ranking is achieved, the highest card is counted. In the event of a showdown and none of the competitors have a pair or any other valid combination, the one with the highest card wins. The value ranges from 2 as the lowest to Ace as the highest.


A Pair refers to having two cards of the same value among your top five cards, such as two Eights for instance. If multiple players have a Pair, the value of the Pair is considered. If two or three players have the same Pair, the so-called kicker card comes into play, which is the highest non-paired card. If the kicker card is also the same, then the second-highest non-paired card is taken into account, and so on.

Two couples

When you hold two pairs, you have two cards of the same value in your hand, such as two eights and two kings. It's a solid hand in poker because it gives you multiple ways to win. With two pairs, you have the potential to make a full house or even improve to a four-of-a-kind. It's always important to consider the strength of your opponents' hands and the community cards on the table when deciding how to play your two pairs. Remember, in poker, having two pairs can be a powerful weapon to secure victory at the poker table.


A set refers to a scenario where three cards of the same value are present in your two concealed cards and the five community cards, such as three queens. It is important to note that the higher set wins, and in the case of a tie, the highest kicker card is considered.


To create a street, you will need five consecutive cards, such as 5-6-7-8-9 or 9-10-J-Q-K. The color of the cards doesn't matter. Achieving a street requires a sequence of five cards in ascending or descending order. It could be a combination like 5-6-7-8-9 or 9-10-J-Q-K. The color of the cards is irrelevant in this context.


A flush is a combination of five cards that all have the same suit and the value of the cards does not matter. It is higher than a straight. So, if you have five cards of either clubs, diamonds, spades, or hearts, you have a flush. If there are multiple flushes on the table, the one with the highest-ranking card wins.

Full House

A Full House occurs when your hand consists of a pair and a three-of-a-kind, such as 2-2-10-10-10. In this scenario, you have three cards of the same value and two cards of another value. This powerful combination can lead to great success in various card games, as it showcases both strength and versatility. With a Full House, you have the advantage of having a high-ranking hand, capable of overpowering many other hands that your opponents may hold. It's an exciting moment when you manage to achieve a Full House, as it often guarantees a strong position in the game and increases your chances of winning. So, keep an eye out for this fantastic hand and make the most of its potential to dominate the competition.


A Four of a Kind, also known as Poker, is comprised of four cards with the same value, such as four Aces. It is a powerful hand that can significantly boost your chances of winning in a game of poker. The probability of obtaining a Four of a Kind is relatively low, making it a rare occurrence that is highly sought after by players. When you manage to acquire this hand, it is crucial to play it strategically and capitalize on its strength. With four cards of the same value, you possess a strong advantage over your opponents and can confidently place higher bets, increasing your potential winnings. So, if luck is on your side and you find yourself holding a Four of a Kind, get ready to make a bold move and dominate the poker table.

Straight Flush

The second-highest poker hand is the straight flush. It is a combination of a straight and a flush, where all the cards are in the same suit and in sequential order. For instance, a straight flush could be composed of the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of diamonds.

Royal Flush

A Royal Flush is an extremely rare occurrence and is the highest-ranking hand in poker. To achieve this hand, you must have the highest possible straight from 10 to Ace, all of the same suit. For instance, holding 10-J-Q-K-A of hearts would give you the ultimate poker hand.

Sonderregeln and additional useful information

Special rules

Alle Tipps und Strategies von
  1. Tips for beginners
      Tipps für Anfänger
    1. Poker rules
    2. Hands
    3. Texas Hold'em
    4. Texas Hold'em cash games are a popular form of poker played in Texas.
    5. Top 10 tips
    6. glossary
  2. Basic strategies
      Grundlegende Strategies
    1. Chances of winning & odds
    2. Position
    3. The bluff
    4. Semi Bluffs
    5. Protect leaves
    6. 5-10 rule
    7. I can control
    8. Komfortlevel
    9. Value Bets
    10. River Play
    11. Turn Play
    12. Heads Up
  3. Strategies for advanced users
      Strategies für Fortgeschrittene
    1. Implied Pot Odds
    2. Reverse Implied Odds
    3. Short Stacks
    4. Mistakes in Ascension Limit
    5. game schedule
    6. Way Ahead, Way Behind: Rearticulating the Strategy for Success
    7. Blinds
    8. Draws
    9. Expected value
    10. Preflop
    11. Ranges
  4. Online Poker
      Online Poker
    1. Online Sit'n'Gos
    2. Online MTTs
    3. Online Cash Games
    4. Online Freerolls
    5. Poker Bonus Guide
    6. Zoom
    7. Spin & Go
    8. Multi-Tabling
    9. Rake
    10. Rakeback
    11. Poker Software
  5. Live Poker
      Live Poker
    1. Live tournaments
    2. Online vs Offline
    3. All the important live tournaments
  6. Psychology and mindset
      Psychologie und Mindset
    1. Tilt
    2. Bad Beats
    3. Tells
  7. Other Poker Variants
      Andere Poker Varianten
    1. Omaha
    2. Omaha Starthände
    3. 5 Card Draw
    4. Pineapple Poker
    5. 7 Card Stud
    6. Triple Draw Lowball

The ace in a street: Within a street, the ace can be used both before the two and after the king. Therefore, there is both a street A-2-3-4-5 and a street 10-J-Q-K-A. However, encompassing combinations like Q-K-A-2-3 are not possible.

When there are only two players at the table, you find yourself in a heads-up situation. In this scenario, the dealer places the small blind, while the other player places the big blind.

Before the dealer places the three flop cards, as well as the turn and river cards, onto the table, they take the top card from the deck and discreetly set it aside. These cards, known as burn cards, are intended to prevent any player from gaining an advantage by recognizing the next community card before it is revealed.

In various poker variations, including Texas Hold'em tournaments, it is customary to collect an ante in each round of play. The purpose of this is twofold: either to retain a portion of the casino's stake in the game or, in the case of tournaments, to increase the action at the table and expedite the gameplay, as antes quickly deplete players with few chips.

Further information

If you have mastered the Texas Hold'em Poker rules and wish to delve deeper into the world of poker, we have a selection of advanced guides that can provide you with helpful tips and strategies. These guides are specifically tailored for experienced players, offering valuable insights to enhance your skills and gameplay. So, if you're ready to take your poker game to the next level, our comprehensive resources are here to assist you every step of the way.

On this page, you've already been introduced to the ranking of poker hands, but in this guide, you'll find even more in-depth information. We have compiled an extensive collection of insights and strategies to take your understanding of poker hands to the next level. Explore the intricacies of each hand's value and how they stack up against one another. Gain a deeper understanding of the various factors that contribute to a winning hand. Delve into the complexities of the game and discover the nuances that separate the amateurs from the experts. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions in every poker game you play.

Deceiving Once you have acquired a thorough understanding of the rules of poker and gained some experience through several rounds, it is crucial to delve into the art of deception. Mastering the skill of bluffing will enable you to outsmart your opponents at the poker table, ensuring your success in the game.

If you're interested in playing poker online, be sure to take a look at this guide because here you'll find all the essential information about the game on the internet. Take a moment to explore this comprehensive resource and discover valuable insights that will help enhance your online poker experience. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, this guide covers everything you need to know to navigate the world of online poker effectively. From game rules and strategies to recommended platforms and tips for maximizing your winnings, this guide has got you covered. So, dive in and embark on your online poker journey with confidence!

The significance of playing your position at the poker table cannot be overstated. It is crucial, and one cannot emphasize it enough. Even if you are a beginner, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with this aspect in order to kickstart your poker career with as much success as possible. Get started quickly and make it a priority to understand the intricacies of position play.